Friday, August 10, 2007

Going back to places

Getting to know places is almost always fascinating. Let's reserve sometimes for those moments when we just like to be by ourselves, at our most familiar surrounding. But it is always more intriguing to be back at places we've been. There are memories of the holidays in the beach, in the far-fetch island with loved ones. Or maybe just revisiting your old college and university.

People say, experiencing a journey is half the fun - planning it holds the other half. And I most definitely in the latter part. It has been a while since I left my so-called second home. It has been where I practically lived and pursued my undergrad for five full years. It is where joy meets sorrow, where my heart set and grow. I've lost old flame, found new love and lived so high. And as time pass by, the day draws nigh.

I'll be looking forward to see what's what and what's been tronoh ipoh manjung bota lumut taiping :)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Life is twisted at the very best

Life sure is twisted. Make a plan for one thing, but don't be surprised if it turned out completely out of dimension.

It took me 5 years to finish off a degree in electronics; and I'll tell it wasn't a walk in a park. Or at least to me ;) So when I finally got the scroll, like anybody else, I was expecting a job within my major profile. Yikes! Was I wrongly predict life.

I start off as an application developer. For the uninitiated, all I was doing is pure Java programming, and if that sounded geeky, it is because it is. Truth be told, it's the best suited job I've ever had. Withal, I couldn't work there for long. I was a sponsored student and being so, leave you bonded to the company for years, unless you have cash to repay all the loan lump sum. :-O

Just a couple of months working as an A/D, my sponsor offered me a job. Again, hoping to land at least a managerial position in electrical department, I got not entirely the opposite, just a little off the dimension in reality. Business planning: my new job scope. But it's not the job definition that makes my life felt goes deja vu. It is the unofficial expectation they had upon me: an English expert.

I'm just a decent writer (not the best at it either), be it in English or Bahasa, but that does not make me an expert in said languages. :-?

P/s: I have to be discreet on naming companies, just in case ;)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Eyeing for Treo 680

Why the Treo series?
  • It's a pda-phone (I need something practical to jot things down, on the go).
  • It's has a stylus (Smartphone navigating through keys & buttons? Non-intuitive. Palm felt very strongly on having a stylus/touchscreen).
  • It integrates a full qwerty keyboard (Very important as I don't feel like writing using the stylus.. have you tried? You'll end up using virtual keyboard).

Why the 680?
  • It's within my budget, below RM 2000
  • It uses Palm OS, much more intuitive operating system and with fewer clicks to open up application.
  • The casing colour is cuter, and more sporty.

Why not the 750v?
  • It is to damn expensive (RM 2988)
  • It uses Windows Mobile as its OS (Oh God! No...)
  • I don't need the damn 1.3mp camera anyway.