Sunday, April 01, 2007

Life is twisted at the very best

Life sure is twisted. Make a plan for one thing, but don't be surprised if it turned out completely out of dimension.

It took me 5 years to finish off a degree in electronics; and I'll tell it wasn't a walk in a park. Or at least to me ;) So when I finally got the scroll, like anybody else, I was expecting a job within my major profile. Yikes! Was I wrongly predict life.

I start off as an application developer. For the uninitiated, all I was doing is pure Java programming, and if that sounded geeky, it is because it is. Truth be told, it's the best suited job I've ever had. Withal, I couldn't work there for long. I was a sponsored student and being so, leave you bonded to the company for years, unless you have cash to repay all the loan lump sum. :-O

Just a couple of months working as an A/D, my sponsor offered me a job. Again, hoping to land at least a managerial position in electrical department, I got not entirely the opposite, just a little off the dimension in reality. Business planning: my new job scope. But it's not the job definition that makes my life felt goes deja vu. It is the unofficial expectation they had upon me: an English expert.

I'm just a decent writer (not the best at it either), be it in English or Bahasa, but that does not make me an expert in said languages. :-?

P/s: I have to be discreet on naming companies, just in case ;)

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